EVENTS Update : | COFFE WITH CHEF NIKOLAJ - 22 September Saturday | OPEN WATER DIVING - 21 Friday Morning @ 9am | MUAY THAI WITH MARK - 21 Friday Morning @6:30pm | 15 BELOW - 24 Monday | Volley with Sheraton - 26 Wednesday | SUNSET FISHING - 27 Thursday @ 5:30pm| WONDERCUP - COMING SOON IN NEXT MONTH

Doctor Ricky said......

Giving blood is a great thing to do. By making a blood donation, you are not only helping save the lives of people you will never meet; you’re also doing yourself a good turn— you get more healthy and you get the feeling of joy and contentment of being able to help. Any Q ?
Q: Who is a healthy donor?
A: Any person within the age group of 18-60 years with a body weight as minimum 45 kg, and having hemoglobin content as minimum 12.5 gm%.
Does a donor need to do anything special before donation?
A: The donor should eat at regular mealtimes and drink plenty of fluids.
How long does the donation take?
A: The procedure is done by skilled, specially trained technicians and takes three to eight minutes. However, from start to finish (filling form, post donation rest, etc.) the entire process should take about 30 minutes.
Does the needle hurt the entire time?
A: There may be a little sting when the needle is inserted, but there should be no pain during the donation.
Does the donor suffer from any harmful effects after donating blood?
A: Absolutely not, rather a donor after having given blood voluntarily gets a feeling of great pleasure, peace and bliss. Soon, within a period of 24-48 hours, the same amount of new blood gets formed in the body, which helps the donor in many ways. His own body resistance improves, the circulation improves, and he himself feels healthier than before.
Does a donor need to rest after donating blood?
A: Yes. The donor needs rest, preferably lying down, so that the amount of blood that has been donated soon gets poured into the circulation from the body pools in a natural way. The donor should take it easy for about 15-20 minutes.
Can a donor work after donating blood?
A: Of course! Routine work is absolutely fine after the initial rest. Rigorous physical work should be avoided for a few hours.
What special diet should a donor follow after giving blood?
A: After resting for a while a donor is given some liquid (fluid) to take. It may be milk or fruit juice along with a few biscuits or fruit. The donor needs no other special diet. A routine balanced diet is adequate. The donor's blood gets replenished within 24-48 hours.
Q: How long will it take for the body to replenish the blood?
A: The body replaces blood volume or plasma within 24 hours. Red cells need about four to eight weeks for complete replacement.
Q: How frequently a donor can donate blood?
A: Three months time between donations is a very safe interval.
Q: Are there any other benefits of blood donation?
A: Yes, blood donation is a noble, selfless service! It gives the donor a feeling of joy and contentment. Also this is an expression of love for mankind.

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