EVENTS Update : | COFFE WITH CHEF NIKOLAJ - 22 September Saturday | OPEN WATER DIVING - 21 Friday Morning @ 9am | MUAY THAI WITH MARK - 21 Friday Morning @6:30pm | 15 BELOW - 24 Monday | Volley with Sheraton - 26 Wednesday | SUNSET FISHING - 27 Thursday @ 5:30pm| WONDERCUP - COMING SOON IN NEXT MONTH

Saamy is not Mr. W

members of Mr. W have confirmed, controversial nomination and voting of last weeks competition has been cancelled and there will be a new competition among new finalists again. W-Inner is receiving anonymous emails saying the judgment and voting was totally unfair. Also Boos is in high temper that he was not even nominated, meanwhile Naube said he veto the whole thing as he was also not in the competition. Confirmed reports says this time its not only the three finalists from last time but it is with more participants with fair rules. Board members of Mr. W has confirmed that it was a tough and fair decision they had to face. "Our rules says the highest number of votes will be the winner, Lirar got the most where Majeed was very competitive. Samy got the lowest but W-Inner closed the comment ballot and announced that Samy for Mr. W, he only got real votes as Lirar & Majeed looped with number of their own fake votes. New Mr. W competitors are Naube, Boos, Lirar, Saamy, Majeed, Nirumal and thuthu Heinze.
Please do not vote via comments, voting poll will be published soon!


Anonymous said...

Mr Boos..ur not even in Top 6..what a shame...ur still left out... said...

Boos is there!

Anonymous said...

May the best man win, my vote is with Thuthu

Anonymous said...

is that liraar!!?? but still ma vote is for majeed

Anonymous said...

i vote for liraar,but i dont like his hair style..too curly

Unknown said...

don't mess with the curlz!!!

Anonymous said...

how did u choose only 7 guys from w

Anonymous said...

Dont J with my boa bulhis! thanks jinx

Unknown said...

no worriez! ;)

Anonymous said...

lirar is cheating

Anonymous said...

hey guys vote for me im da youngest boy in this..

Anonymous said...

some guys are J coz lirar keeps winning!!

paradoX said...

curlzzz are the best...and liraaa i still think u r cheating :-p

Anonymous said...

saamy paid $20 to zahid for his camp