EVENTS Update : | COFFE WITH CHEF NIKOLAJ - 22 September Saturday | OPEN WATER DIVING - 21 Friday Morning @ 9am | MUAY THAI WITH MARK - 21 Friday Morning @6:30pm | 15 BELOW - 24 Monday | Volley with Sheraton - 26 Wednesday | SUNSET FISHING - 27 Thursday @ 5:30pm| WONDERCUP - COMING SOON IN NEXT MONTH

Last Minute Action of day two

Last minute action: Interview with Black Team Volley captain, Majeed said his team is not afraid to Red Alert. We are ready to play against anyone, he added.

Irash hosting TIB flag, reports say that he couldn't do this alone and other team members helped him.

Black in action today. Since yesterday no one knows where Mr. Perez Oscar is and what would be his master plan for today's games.

1 comment:

ammadey said...

Good team work.We can see the motivation with in the teams and Individual players toooooo.Great