EVENTS Update : | COFFE WITH CHEF NIKOLAJ - 22 September Saturday | OPEN WATER DIVING - 21 Friday Morning @ 9am | MUAY THAI WITH MARK - 21 Friday Morning @6:30pm | 15 BELOW - 24 Monday | Volley with Sheraton - 26 Wednesday | SUNSET FISHING - 27 Thursday @ 5:30pm| WONDERCUP - COMING SOON IN NEXT MONTH


Is Black magic real ?

When the 4th day of action is just few hours away from start we've just got the news from Escape area saying somebody is drawing some wierd things on the sand inside the volleyball ground' and people start suspecting that could be kind of Black magic thing going on.

2 comments: said...

Guys fair play only! no boogal and black magic...

paradoX said...

is that why its raining dinasuars and elephants over here?? get the boogal off the sand pleeeeeeease people!!! v need maakanaa iloshi on the sand