Let's celebrate our Independence day in W Style, Grand! Fabulous!
W Talents, We need your support - Please join task force team to decorate Game Zone on 25th Evening & 26th Evening Nook
W Talents, We need your support - Please join task force team to decorate Game Zone on 25th Evening & 26th Evening Nook
"The Maldives became a British Protectorate in 1887. The British made an agreement in which they pledged not to interfere with the internal affairs of the Maldives, while on foreign affairs the British were to be consulted. In return the British assured of security and protection from any colonial intimidation. On 26th July 1965, full independence was granted to the Maldives. Maldives celebrates its Independence Day on 26th of July. Special celebrations include parades by the National Security Services and the school children activities as well as cultural events are always organized to celebrate this special day for every Maldivian"
On The occasion of Maldives Independence Day, W Maldives Talents will also join the nation wide celebration here in our wonderland. We have many activities on 26th and 27th with a grand party on the night of 27th. Activities such as flag hosting like what we have been doing since 2008, special T-Shirt Jersey designed for this event, Marathon around the island, Special breakfast and lunch also a very special cultural events and sports activities on 26th evening.
And on 27th! Guess whoz visiting W? W Talents are getting ready to WOW fellow Associates from Sheraton. They will be here for a friendly Volleyball match on 27th evening. On the night of 27th we will have a grand party to celebrate Independence day and all the grand winning achievements so far we have achieved during the past 7 months. Its time to WOW our Associates to the world of Wonderland. This time for Starwood Maldives Family.
On The occasion of Maldives Independence Day, W Maldives Talents will also join the nation wide celebration here in our wonderland. We have many activities on 26th and 27th with a grand party on the night of 27th. Activities such as flag hosting like what we have been doing since 2008, special T-Shirt Jersey designed for this event, Marathon around the island, Special breakfast and lunch also a very special cultural events and sports activities on 26th evening.
And on 27th! Guess whoz visiting W? W Talents are getting ready to WOW fellow Associates from Sheraton. They will be here for a friendly Volleyball match on 27th evening. On the night of 27th we will have a grand party to celebrate Independence day and all the grand winning achievements so far we have achieved during the past 7 months. Its time to WOW our Associates to the world of Wonderland. This time for Starwood Maldives Family.
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