EVENTS Update : | COFFE WITH CHEF NIKOLAJ - 22 September Saturday | OPEN WATER DIVING - 21 Friday Morning @ 9am | MUAY THAI WITH MARK - 21 Friday Morning @6:30pm | 15 BELOW - 24 Monday | Volley with Sheraton - 26 Wednesday | SUNSET FISHING - 27 Thursday @ 5:30pm| WONDERCUP - COMING SOON IN NEXT MONTH

W Talent, do you still remember 08-08-08?

We have decided to tell you the story of W-Inner as we are frequently receiving questions about the beginning of the W-inner blog!

Even though we celebrate our talent club anniversary on 08-08-08; W-INNER was actually operating independently and WoWing talents since April 2007. We began as part of the promotion campaign for the first ever mini-Olympics in April 2007 by printing single paged pamphlets which was then sent via e-mail or posted on noticed boards in Escape Area. There were 4 issues of these pamphlets issues; however, while designing our 2nd edition we came up with the idea for a blog. This idea seemed extremely viable as more people would be able to access it and blogs archive capability offered the perfect solution for eco friendly publication with the ability to access past articles for future references. Plus we had a limited time for pamphlet preparation and printing after work. Our Welcome Talent, Naadhu was the mastermind and co-founder Lirar from Finance. Then W-inner was the insider who brought the talents all the hot gossips and entertaining stories. Later, due to W-inners growing membership and influence, W-inner approached HR department to make it the official Talent Club and discontinue the Fun Club that was almost inactive at that time. That’s when 08-08-08 became the official inaugural date for W-inner.

Look out for more exciting gossips, insider stories, frequently asked questions to be published soon.

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