EVENTS Update : | COFFE WITH CHEF NIKOLAJ - 22 September Saturday | OPEN WATER DIVING - 21 Friday Morning @ 9am | MUAY THAI WITH MARK - 21 Friday Morning @6:30pm | 15 BELOW - 24 Monday | Volley with Sheraton - 26 Wednesday | SUNSET FISHING - 27 Thursday @ 5:30pm| WONDERCUP - COMING SOON IN NEXT MONTH


(left to right: Naadhu, Waseem, Lauday, Easa and Hussain Ali)
It was huge list when we saw it from Green Room Notice board.Howver they've narrowed it down to 5 and today W-inner has annouced the best 5 Football players among the W talents' who will be competing for the W Award. Winner will be announced during the W THE ANNIVERSARY Award night. hold your breath. for me they are all winners.

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