EVENTS Update : | COFFE WITH CHEF NIKOLAJ - 22 September Saturday | OPEN WATER DIVING - 21 Friday Morning @ 9am | MUAY THAI WITH MARK - 21 Friday Morning @6:30pm | 15 BELOW - 24 Monday | Volley with Sheraton - 26 Wednesday | SUNSET FISHING - 27 Thursday @ 5:30pm| WONDERCUP - COMING SOON IN NEXT MONTH

Unforgettable moments from 26th Tournament

W-inner will bring most eye catching and unforgettable moments from the Maldivian National Day celebration in W. let's begin with Imad (Chotey)

Imad couldn't control the tears after seeing his side loosing 2-0 against Water Splash (i feel so bad about him. stop crying brother we can do better next time)

Picture Gallery - Independence Day

W-inner on a Mission Ramazan

W-inner is on a mission to organize and arrange a FUTSAL tournament during the coming holy month of RAMAZAN. more details and news coming up. stay in tune

Skull Crackers are the champion of Volleyball

Red Devils are the champions of Soccer after beating Water Splash 1-0 in the final

W-INNER congratulate to both Skull Crackers and Red Devils


pictures from ongoing soccer match

Independence day Live updates

We've just finished the news conference together with all the 4 Soccer teams and 2 Volley ball teams. we will be updating the results as soon as the matches finished. at the moment Volleyball match between Skull Crackers and ALASKLARK is started and going on. seems like the

Here is some pictures from News conference

Happy Independence Day
M a l d i v e s

Independence day Live updates

1:36PM - News conference will be held at W-INNER news room/Studio at 3PM today. All the managers will address to reporters about their team. Also match officials (Refrees) will meet with team managers to inform rules and regulations of the game. (W-INNER news room/studio is B2)

1:03PM - Last minut transfer updates, Inyath to Red Devils and Adil to FC RedBurn
11:10AM - Male team with dancing girls are expected to arrive around 2:30PM by a speedboat. W-Inner encourage to warm welcome them on their arrival.

11:00AM - Sports events will start at 4PM today and the deadline for transfer market ends now.

6:15 - After flag raising ceremony all talents went to beach for aerobics and jogging around the island. The first 5 talents who completed 2 rounds around the island will be awarded their winning prizes on tonight's function in the Nook

6:00 - W Retreat & Spa - Maldives just started celebrating Maldives Independence day by raising Maldives national flag.

Its 5:30 in the morning and its our Independence day.
. Also

Indian & Sri Lankan players for sale

Very talented 2 players are available for sale, price ranging from 1 - 2 million Dollars. These Indian and Sri-Lankan players are very keen to join any team who are willing to sign them. Mr. Mario the Sri-Lankan player is a very talented Volleyball player who played last world cup for his country and Mr. Puneet who won the gold medal from last Champions league at Manchester United. We are tongue tied to see how this leads.

Whoz gonna crack whoz skull

After last day's practice there are many rumors about whoz kicking whoz SKULL! Boos and Ramil manager and captain of Alakslark volley team gave an exclusive interview to W-Inner. Manager Ramil said "we have a Greek national player Sotiris and we gonna kick Cream Crackers Skull" Where habeeb the manager of Skull Cracker have a player from South Africa Mr. Coetzer. Also Habeeb advice Ramil and boos to wear halmet before they crack their SKULL! Lets see whoz gonna crack whoz skull!!

W is ready to celebrate Independence day

W talents are ready to celebrate Maldives Independence day. It is believed that stadium will be full of supporters tomorrow supporting there teams (soccer, volleyball)

RedBurn manager Hiloomovich still on hunting

RedBurn manger Hiloomovich is still trying to convince Sameer to sign before kicking off tomorrows match.

Media Release!

FROM PR – FC Bazooka, Sameer is not for sale!

We are happy to announce that our highly motivated players are ready for the season. We had last practice session yesterday for the season and our manager has confirmed that players are in full spirit to win the coming league. Also we have no doubt on to win this league because we have the most professional players in the market today.
It is a norm every where and open to negotiate with the potential players about a possible move to another. But I would like to highlight money will count on every single move and costs Dollar Billions. I warned to Red burn Manger that Mr. Sameer is in a contract with FC Bazooka and come to negotiate on to an official ground rather than showing your richness.
Avoid from those rumors in the media we are confident that no player will move from our team. Our owners are even ready to buy the entire Red Burn not a single player.

PR Manger
FC Bazooka

Sameer want RedBurn Move?

Breaking news: W-Inner just saw Sameer shaking hand with RedBurn manager discussing a possible move. Sameer the controversial player who is not happy with his team FC Bazooka is most likely to move RedBurn soon. However, manager Hilmy did not confirm anything yet to media but we heard about the deal he offered to Sameer. Hilmy said "Sameer, I promise to offer everything you want". From what we have seen tonight Sameer is also happy to shake hand with Hilmy about a possible move to his team.

RedBurn burning muscles and tummyz

RedBurn held their last training sessions tonight including a full fitness test with trainer Waheed. W-Inner visited fitness center for the hot catchup where we talk to team trainer Waheed as well as manager Hilmy about teams fitness. Waheed told us there are players who are not even close to fit due to heavyweight tummy but he can fix the problem with jogging before the match. He also confirmed us as basically the whole team will be in shape for the match. Manager Hilmy has a high hope on trainer for the teams fitness. Also RedBurn played a friendly training match between reserve team and first team.


RE: FC Bazooka with new kit or sold them to Red Devils

Red Devils has no connection or involvement of buying or selling any player from FC Bazooka as well as it is simply not true that Red Devils has any interest to buy FC Bazooka’s training kit.

Thank you,
Communication Director


FC Bazooka premiered the training kit today which was claimed by Red Devils for their Jersey on coming season. Money will count on everything we won this exclusive bid. I congratulate to the manger/owner on behalf of the team players and the supporters for winning this bid. Also I would like to thank supermodel/Supporter (Nady) who premiered our training kit today. There is rumor going on in the media about our captain and Sameeru has signed yesterday to Red Devil. But Mr. Sameeru was on vacation and he joined the team today. Hence I have no doubt about those two players. They will be playing to FC Bazooka on coming season. As I said before we are a team not individuals.
For the supporters
We are at the table to negotiate with one of the fastest striker in Red Devil. We faced few concessions but I can say that we are at the status of off the dime. We will not leave money on the Table.

Manger PR
FC Bazooka
Posted: 23rd July 1822hrs

Bazooka released new poster

FC Bazooka released their new poster including SAMEER. After a controversial media speculations about Sameer's statement earlier today where Sameer was not happy about excluding his picture from team's poster and FC Bazooka's PR Manager releasing a press release confirming Sameer is a very important player now came to an end. FC Bazooka has reprinted their team poster including Sameer as well as they have used him to introduce their training kit this evening.

FC RedBurn with blue crush kit

FC RedBurn introduced their new kit just now with newly signed player Issma from FC Chelsea

FC Bazooka with new kit or sold them to Red Devils

Earlier today we brought you about unhappy Sameer from FC Bazooka as well as the press release from their PR Manager. Manager Ammu gave an exclusive interview to W-Inner about the situation where he confirmed about the situation being handled properly. Also FC Bazooka has introduced their training kit today with Sameer who is no confirmed to be a full team player. Meanwhile, Red Devils are claiming that they have signed two new players from FC Bazooka and we have received a picture where Sameer and Azaa posing with Red Devils kit which they introduced yesterday. We are waiting to get inside stories of this buzz.

2 days before kickoff

All the teams are getting ready printing their final kit and buying new players. ALASKLARK is the second volleyball, manager Boos is introducing their shirt saying no fear to Skull Crackers! Manager Boos challenged opponent volleyball team to wear helmets to save their cracked skulls.



FC Bazooka is in the right position and nobody can disperse the team. We believe we should have fair democracy among our players.
Team members can express their views, happiness and unhappiness in the ring or even outside about their management. Fortunately we resolved Mr. Samreeu’s appeal and it was a mistake done through our printing company. We spent a lot to print those posters and it will cost us another USD 10000.00 buks to re-print the posters again. We are not in a position to spend this much to change it, and are at THE TABLE to negotiate about few transfers. Hence we offered another alternative showcase to Mr. Sameeru and he is happy with our offer. We will not disclose it yet but I will be mega display.

Manger PR
FC Bazooka

Sameer is on strike against FC Bazooka

Sameer, a very promising player of FC Bazooka is not happy with his team as his picture is not included on the team poster released. He told W-Inner that he is not happy and going on strike against the team or will decide to leave the team if he is not included the teams plan. Mr. Ali Mohamed Didi from FC Bazooka has also confirmed this news.

Skull Cracker's

Well' most of us are only talking about soccer, coming up big matches and transfer Market. but please don't forget about volleyball' that is also very popular in W. today I've found that stadium is very much preparing for volley ball as well. painting the side lines' installing the post also fixing the net. while one of the volley team is preparing to crack the skull of the rest. w-inner received this picture mentioning the LOGO of one team called " SKULL CRACKERS" scary isn't it. and also w-inner reporters managed to meet the manager of Skull Crackers Mr. Habeeb he also proudly exposed their Kit for the upcoming tournament Habeeb also said "we are the only team who did not go for a sponsor" because he thinks sponsor is very low grade thing to do.

Red Devils welcome others to use red color

Press Release from Red Devil: Red Devil welcome everybody including other teams to use red shirts and kit. We mentioned we will use red shirt provided by W HR for the occasion as that was how HR initially wanted all the teams to do so. They wanted all the teams to use official red shirt on 26th event. Later on when some of the teams wanted to color differentiate among other teams there was a draw between all four soccer teams and the team named Red Devil now got color RED! before the draw it was agreed that the team who get red can use red shirt designed for the day. If there is any problem with other teams, they are most welcome to use the same shirt the same red color! Its not the color or shirt we wear will prove how capable we are to win, it is how we play and our wining strategy. Bring it on red is the color wining, not the shirt we wear!