EVENTS Update : | COFFE WITH CHEF NIKOLAJ - 22 September Saturday | OPEN WATER DIVING - 21 Friday Morning @ 9am | MUAY THAI WITH MARK - 21 Friday Morning @6:30pm | 15 BELOW - 24 Monday | Volley with Sheraton - 26 Wednesday | SUNSET FISHING - 27 Thursday @ 5:30pm| WONDERCUP - COMING SOON IN NEXT MONTH

What happend to OLLIE?

What happened to our Ollie?
Drop a comment about what u think he is trying to do.


Naadhu said...

Ollie is trying to commit suicide.because ppl in Male' office does not treat him wel.

Anonymous said...

i want find out who did this to ollie...15 mins bail

J E N T said...

wel.. Ollie saw a nice gurl from outside and he is trying to show her how much he loves and how much he is desperate/.

ammadey said...

Ollie got bored to stuck in same place for ages.let him be free for sometimes.He only sees same 3 gals every day.He will be going to Majeedhee magu to see the best looking "Hottest" galz. watch out.!

Unknown said...

ollie wanna "commit suicide"...for sure he's missing some1...from male' office....may be missing the "hottest gurl"......

Anonymous said...

what im thinking is..

1 - he is trying to get in to next door where they have new and some fresh gurls..he is sick of seeing same faces everyday..good try ollie. but the gurls there won't let you go i guess..

2 - trying to peep next door's bathroom

Anonymous said...

IS someone trying to kick out Ollie and bring a MONKEY!!! no way... watch out guys this someone is small but danger!

Unknown said...

Ollie Launch a new package... NEW PACKAGE STAY 7night get 1 night free taking care of ollie, Ollie Launch it yesterday

v|x said...
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v|x said...

he's trying to fly out after all that booze from yesterdays' male' office 15[floors]ABOVE party!

paradoX said...

yeah the package seee...we are selling Ollie with 10% serevice charge and govt bed tax hehehe ...and he is just advertising himself..OLLIE TO SAVE THE DAY!!

Shameem said...

she is trying to escape with her boy friend