EVENTS Update : | COFFE WITH CHEF NIKOLAJ - 22 September Saturday | OPEN WATER DIVING - 21 Friday Morning @ 9am | MUAY THAI WITH MARK - 21 Friday Morning @6:30pm | 15 BELOW - 24 Monday | Volley with Sheraton - 26 Wednesday | SUNSET FISHING - 27 Thursday @ 5:30pm| WONDERCUP - COMING SOON IN NEXT MONTH

Action Day - Live Update

3:07pm -
Yellow Team in action, Lagos and Yoosuf preparing Yellow flags and balloons.

2:51pm -
Fizam trying to hide paparazzi's

2:51pm -
This picture is outside SLT block outside since this morning

2:46pm -
Red Alert on alert

2:35pm - These pictures were taken when Green Team was busy in one of style department store locked and paparazzi proof.

2:05pm -
Inner has just received confirmed report that Aylin came to style department and took chef wardrobe also she have few black dustbin bags. It is confirm that she is going to be the cheer leader for Oscar's TIB.

1:59pm -
Red Alert launched their uniform plus flag last night after H & S closing ceremony. W-Inner just receive this picture from last night

1:36pm - W-INNER Just received these pictures showing teams getting ready for today's big opening

1:23pm - Red Team has confirmed their key player in Volley ball team may not play today. We have arrival this afternoon and Hameed should be on duty at that time. This will be a big loss for Red Alert but they say they have good enough good players.

1:09pm - Big fight between Majeed & Zameen from Black Team. Zameen said black is not a good team and nice color, Majeed said no it is. But Majeed said he is not happy with the uniform and said it looks like cheap 7 Rufiyaa normal black shirts.

12:52pm - Our HR Director Leith Wiblen has left us just a while ago. Team members from all teams are very sad that Leith is not going to stay with us for W Olympics

12:44pm - Opening time getting closer and closer. However, there is nothing special from the organizing team in terms of preparing the Olympic area and Volley ball ground. One flag from Black Team and some green buffet table covers are hanging in the area.

12:41pm - Pink Team Uniform ready and nicely pressed. Reports says that pink team shirts were done with the help of many talents.

12:39pm - Comment by a Talent saying Green Team picture. Also we received a notice that last minute name change of Green Team to Green Programme. Fizam from Green Programme confirmed W-INNER that this change will be good and under this name they will get as many as trees to plant in Fesdu. Also he added saying this programme will continue and they are going to visit nearby islands soon.

11:50am - W-INNER has just received a confirmation that SAAMY from Green Team will be sent to Male'. Saamy is tempered, after all his practice for all these days and dream to play in W Olympics is failed now. Due to last minute change by Green Team Volley Captain Naube from Airport will be joining the team instead of poor Saamy

11:48am - Easa from Male' office just arrived for Pink Team volley ball today. W-INNER came to know that he will be staying in Fesdu for 2-3 days to play Pink.

11:44am - Green Team just received their uniforms for W Olympics and trying to complete putting team members name/number on the t-shirt, reporter from escape said it would be really hard to finish it as we are getting closer and closer to open the main event this evening.

11:42am - Reports are coming from escape area that someone from SLT block has just put a BLACK banner "TIB" from one of SLT block window and struggling to close the door back. confirm reports says its Mr. Perez Oscar.


mr. black said...

the blog is a super hit, i never seen so many ppl interested in an event so much. keep up the good work, even though the NEWS abt the left handed Volleyball player is all wrong. we still support u guyz

keep it up

Naadhu said...

SAAMEE i think ur the Paparazzi. u made the blog and ur posting comments on your own..
haadha vagey dhoa..

J E N T said...

Saamee kaley dhaan ulhey Male' bring Naube here..ur useless left hand player..


mr. black said...

Dear Nazim & James

you are really scared of the green team it seems that the one you are really scared of is this SAAMY character.
well live with it, he aint going anywhere

also have to mention that he played really good today

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