reveal the abstraKt
W-inner Pro Evolution Soccer Tournament 2007 Updates.
Question: What are we getting for the Champion?
A US$ 10 will be collected from each participant as a fee, and the whole amount will be used to buy a Trophy for the Champion.
Question: How is it Formatted or what are the Rules and Regulations?
Kuan's Last Day In W Maldives
Click here to view Kuan's Wonderful W Memories!
"Message from Kuan"
Hi All,
Today is my last working day in this Wonderland. I will be moving on to another Paradise in my lovely country – Westin Perdana in
15:00 @ FIRE
WINSTON SAYS: NO!!! Not always Iron Chef, We wanna see somone else winning this time!
Andreas Says: When God said "Let there be light", Iron Chef said "Say Please"
15 Below - Sunday night bravo!
Super Sunday's 15 Below photo album!
Don't miss use any of these pictures, as this is just us and for us!
Copyright © 2007 W-INNER. All rights reserved.
Finance Guys out for a coffee?
15 Below - Sunday night bravo!
Talents Finally Escaped To Male’ By MTCC Speedboat
Lirar Paying Back To Saamy With Same Coin
Mr. W to Miss. W
Everybody loves! Shinax Exposed
The only Yellow Product from Apple, iWear
Award giving ceremoney of i-spy - Montanaro
Lirar Can't Do Anything " Just Wait And See"
Saamy now started getting ready to Mr. W competition which will be on Year 2008 (date not confirmed). “I’m going to show LIRAR that I can win and I will win ‘Insha Allah”. He has already started special dietary programme and also fitness workouts with the help of Mr. Maldives Body Afrah. {Kaloa Kulhi Dhakkaalaanan dhen faharakun} which means in English "Fellas I'll show u the drama next time. Just wait and see".
Escaping with million dollar deal & Cash!$$
What is he doing in the corner!!
Issma new captian in TMA/MAT??
Everybody loves A or R.....?
Escape Market Update..
MeeKaaKu (Who is this)
Mr. W has been cancelled
Samy is disqualified from Mr. W
Lirar tempered this time
Saamy is not Mr. W
Board members of Mr. W have confirmed, controversial nomination and voting of last weeks competition has been cancelled and there will be a new competition among new finalists again. W-Inner is receiving anonymous emails saying the judgment and voting was totally unfair. Also Boos is in high temper that he was not even nominated, meanwhile Naube said he veto the whole thing as he was also not in the competition. Confirmed reports says this time its not only the three finalists from last time but it is with more participants with fair rules. Board members of Mr. W has confirmed that it was a tough and fair decision they had to face. "Our rules says the highest number of votes will be the winner, Lirar got the most where Majeed was very competitive. Samy got the lowest but W-Inner closed the comment ballot and announced that Samy for Mr. W, he only got real votes as Lirar & Majeed looped with number of their own fake votes. New Mr. W competitors are Naube, Boos, Lirar, Saamy, Majeed, Nirumal and thuthu Heinze.
Please do not vote via comments, voting poll will be published soon!
Guess who's in Bangkok
A reunion of Zero Degree Atoll
Maldivian famous music band Zero Degree is getting back together and doing a reunion on May 18th. Zero Degree Atoll album was the countries super hit and still number one. Nashid's Zero Degree also performed weekly on every Fire Night in our W Maldives including the grand New Year show 2007. Lets book ticket for SOUND OF A NATION now!
Krisz is now almost 6 months away to give birth to her first ever baby. Girl or Boy???? please let us know..
Welcome to whatever/whenevr at W Maldive this is krisztina how may i assist you: Yes please.. this is Welcome team calling you !!! ZOMPIKA, ARE YOU REALLY LEAVING US OR JUST KIDDING...GURL WE GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH. REMEMBER US ALWAYS. WE LOVE YOU FOREVER.